Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The FIRE burns on!

Howdy Folks,

It's been almost a month to the day since my last update and I hope everyone in the US had a great Thanksgiving and those from around the world are in excellent health and spirits!  The name of the game has been time management around here but we managed to record our 2nd cut since I opened this studio and resumed work for the next album.  So far we have 2 pieces for consideration, '1812' and 'Perfect', both of which are solid contenders.  We'll be heading back to the studio in a couple of weeks to do another song and I'm really looking forward to it.  With this album not being a concept album, like the last one was, it lets every song fight for itself.  I expect it all to sound different from track to track.  The feedback has been very positive, which is a tremendous boost.  I make the music to my own satisfaction but to know that there are people enjoying it makes it really special.  I'm grateful for it. You could say THANKFUL for it.  I'm thankful that Nick Katona at There is Hope Records included '1812' in the Sandy storm relief compilation as it's nice to do something useful with my music any time I get the chance. I'm also thankful to Tony Romero at Aiir Radio for letting me co-host his radio show with him.  We had an excellent turnout and we'll do it again periodically.  There really were some hysterical moments and excellent music as always, but it felt good to do something positive, as we dedicated the show to Gregg and Allison Olson..Gregg, just having had a stroke and recovering from partial paralyzation.  Man, I hope you get better soon.  Anyway, it's back to work for me with the next track always nagging in my mind for a couple of weeks down the road.

Until then. Peace.


Listen to Albums
Listen to the Latest
Sandy Relief Album
11/24 Radio Show Replay

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

No music?

Not a chance!  Been practicing more than ever though in order to play better on the next set of songs.  My hunch is it will pay off as I'm always noticing ways to improve.  The more I learn, figure out and write between recordings the more evolved the compositions will be.  It's pretty funny actually...all these years from when I started, I'm still trying to get my left hand to be quicker on the drums.  I'm having a lot of fun with guitars as well...but the real important thing is finding a key that is comfortable to sing in and I think I've nailed that...It would be cool to get a band together but I kind of don't care all that much with no gigs lined up, which I don't care that much about either.  To make this music now and hammer away at the project is the most important thing.  So, I imagine within the next few months you will hear a few new cuts off the forthcoming album.  Getting that 1812 bit out of the way was a step in the right direction!  Mailing out more albums and posters this week, like last week and the week before that, which is a beautiful thing!

Thank you for listening!


Albums on Bandcamp


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Oblivion Revisited..Or Visited?

Howdy Folks!

Well I'm in a good mood.  With so much going on in the new music department, due to being underway on my 3rd album in a new and fully operational studio all my own, I almost forgot that the 6 panel digipacks and posters are on their way over here and hit my doorstep come Monday....so with all that I shall now be presenting the official roll out of all things related to the release of....................................................................................................................................................................................

 *If you want one, please email Josh@STEMarketingSolutions.com and place your order, including your shipping address.  Posters $10+shipping.  CD $12+shipping.  Combo $20+ shipping (DO IT!)*

I have to tell you, it was a fun album to make and the story was a trip to come up with.  It really was an EXTREMELY gross take on people and events in reality, twisted all around into a crazy nautical odyssey.  The music stuck obnoxiously close to the intended storyline as well as the artwork and making the former happen effectively was a big time challenge!

Naturally, a big part of why this album was fun was that I got to work with engineer, bassist, saxophonist, keyboard player Tony Livadas again as well as with Martin Kornick doing the visuals as was the case with Guitar For Money.  All of us have risen a bit since the last project in such a short amount of time.  It is apparent in how busy we are! By working with talented individuals on this level it really brought out the best in me and I was locked on on what I felt was a solid idea.  Speaking of talented people, I also had the amazing good fortune of meeting and recording with my friends Kev Feazey and Matt Stevens in London.  Matt had made that arrangement and I came to town and we came up with the Fist.  Kev and I had been working at a breakneck pace for hours and we weren't sure if Matt would be able to make it, but he did and played some incredibly clever parts.   What these guys probably didn't know is that I had 5 backup plans should any number of situations occur....a surprise guest, extra time, any no show, etc....I was exhausted, stressed and running on fumes that week by the time we did the session but it came out just right I'd say and it is something I'll never forget.

With such a developed story that envelops The Beginning Of The Endless Search For Oblivion, I plan to not wait to be interviewed to let in on bits and pieces and will be writing segments about the characters, the plot line and some of the inspiration behind the story..the real faces and places in Florida....I'll post pictures and videos as well. People who like this will want to dig their teeth into it and I say by all means...

I think at some point down the line I'll revisit these characters.  It would be fun and let more aspects of the "personalities" show.  For now, I'm working on less conceptual but equally demanding music that will be different, as what would be the point of doing it all the same?


Monday, August 6, 2012

Why Should Artists Make Albums?

.....When hardly anyone but the most loyal and traditional music lovers are still buying them.  Have people at large lost the interest in hearing a bunch of songs in one sitting from an artist in favor of the odd tune every now and then released digitally, Youtubed, Spotified, Pandorad, etc?

Change is one of those things that happens in funny ways and over the past 2+ decades, we've seen a lot of it which I feel we are still coming to grips with.  At least I am!  I was the kind of guy growing up who spent my whole bank account buying albums in the store if I was lucky enough to find them.  It was exciting too as some of the more rare rock albums were hard to find.  I remember finding the ELP double live album Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends (which I am listening to now) as an import after trying to rack it down for months in 1992 or so.  I think I paid $25 in 1992 money for it and I was glad I did!!

To someone growing up today this kind of thing is probably the same way I looked at how old fashioned it looked in those movies when people made a phone call and it had to be switched over from some operator at a switchboard.  What a hassle!

To put things in some proper perspective, we are in a terrible recession and many are out of work or struggling to make ends meet. To add to that, think about how expensive broadband, cable and the cost of living is and then take a look at how many sold out concerts you see or attend....or have seen poorly attended or cancelled even.  It is important for people to have broadband in these times as it makes communication easier and more enjoyable so I can see why families place huge emphasis on that.

Now with digital downloads, legal and illegal, most have given up on paying for or even obtaining music, choosing to stream it instead through a variety of services and getting a CD is almost like a collector's edition...and you know what?  That's OK and if it's not, we'd all better get hip to it, because it's reality.  People will buy collector's editions at your shows or even will contact you in person or buy it through an outlet or a number of sites.

So to answer my question, the reason artists should make albums is for themselves and for the FANS and people who want the collector's edition.  They are the most loyal of your listeners and deserve it. They will be the ones at your shows that are pissed off that you don't have it for sale so you better love them for that.

You also should not shut out the 'loaders. Who's to say that just because their methods of buying or obtaining music is not the way you'd like them to buy it, that they are cheating you or making you fail? You better believe that these folks will be checking your show out or at least thinking about hopping the gate, if you've got the goods.



Click here to listen to (in full for free) or buy my albums!

Send me an email!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Narrow Escape-A New Album Coming For 2013


I hope all of you are in high spirits and enjoying the Olympics or at least some free time to spend at your leisure.  When I have that kind of time, I usually end up not using it leisurely.  That was the case this past July with most of my "free" time being spent building a monster.

With the old studio I recorded at relocating most likely at the end of the year and Tony on tour as much as he is, I'll be moving forward with my 3rd release playing all instruments, producing as usual, and mixing and editing it as well at my own facility.

Luckily, Tony was nice enough to spot check my gear and we went through all of it to make sure I'd be set and my recording room was suitable enough.  It's good to have friends.  Now I am set to make music as much as I please.

As of now, I don't have a band and no one is beating down the doors for me to play their festival or venue solo acoustic.  This is 100% fine.  When I was trying to get booked and playing places I found it to be fun to play but dealing with the promoters or club owners was a pain.  Spending the time to get booked is a hassle and I'm not a "career musician".

I'm sure they are dealing with the economy in their own way and when the right venues and contacts are hip to the sound, I'll play wherever, within reason.  Meanwhile, I've been coming up with some ideas to put on free concerts.  I'm an explorer and I've found a few secret outlets here and there that I could plug into.

So with that, I tune up the acoustic guitar this Sunday morning and adventure into the land of absurdity once again to track down a tune or 2.

Take good care and thanks for listening!!


Bandcamp Link To Albums

Email Me!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Way Beyond Oblivion

Well, I'm on vacation.  It just started so for me the first few days are much like my other days...phone calls, emails, projects, practice, work!  It's good to have my work be in the demand that it is as well as having the drive to expand STE Marketing Solutions, my media company and label, to do other things beyond what we do already.  It's come to the point that for many reasons, STE will be doing media production inhouse, having its own studio.  Now, once upon a time I went to school to learn the ins and outs of video and audio recording and editing...the works.  Once I graduated I first saw much more of the TV and video production editing aspect and less of the production of music.  That all changed when I recorded Guitar For Money back in 2010 and through to the current day where my musical drive or output has not waned a bit.  Before I do anything serious with the studio for potential clients, I will be doing my entire next album here, save for bits here and there that I might book a local (or not so local) studio for.  I'm also going to be making mock commercials and audio promo spots.  Video will probably be something beyond that as well. All of this is exciting stuff that I'm really looking into peeling into once the gear arrives.  

On a different musical note, with regards to the 2 albums I've already done, they are available in several formats and for those who want to purchase anything, please send an email to Josh@STEMarketingSolutions.com with the subject line "Order" and let me know which album you want and I'll make sure you get it!  Guitar For Money Digipacks and posters are $12 each, shipping included going anywhere in the US.  The same deal will be the story with The Beginning Of The Endless Search For Oblivion when they arrive. If you are outside the US, please let me know where and we'll get you sorted without you feeling fleeced on shipping!!

Show Me The Way To The Stage... and be well!


Artist Links:


Saturday, June 23, 2012

The FIRE! project

Man.  Changes happen quickly in some ways and not so quickly in others.  Above all else is is the FIRE! I have to make new music and the perspective I maintain to retain focus and enthusiasm.  It's not about the money or even the shot at playing decent sized gigs anymore.  Right now we are back to basics.  Small ball.  I'm confident in my playing and the writing and getting everything I want done.  That is important.  It isn't easy but it is THE factor needed to see a musical project through to completion along with a budget and the will to do it.  This project will be the most challenging for me due to all of the changes and what I'm trying to get across as I'm not about to retread anything like I've done.  The wild whips of changes often sling you forward if you are facing the right way and can ride that wave...in spirit.  My attitude is to focus a lot more on each track this time around and there is no rush for release.  Why in the world would I? I've been playing all parts on all instruments thus far and if things keep progressing, I might just leave it that way.  I'm learning so much that there is no way that this experience will be a loss as I will be doing a lot of the mixing and technical stuff myself as well at times.  A decent part of the budget will go toward the 3 or 4 items left needed for me to make my own studio grade recordings at my own pace. I'm fortunate to be able to play real instruments and sing so I don't have to choke the life out of the recording with digital tools too much or add faux beats or whatnot but the interfaces and processes are not too different from home or studio recording I find....at least the way I do it.  Currently, I'm working on my arrangement of the 1812 Overture and I have plenty of homework left, although the track is taking shape nicely.  The thing about doing a track like this, hopefully well, is that the rest of the series of songs on the project better be damn good....and they will be!  I have some interesting works in the um...works.  I can finally put in the order for the digipacks for the 2nd album which is already available in digital format.  Posters and digipacks for Guitar For Money are still available but I'm happy to report that the stock is shrinking!!! Be well everyone and have a great weekend.  Thanks for your supporting me with your ears and nice words.  Back to the beat.


Artist Links:


Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Lost and I Don't Care

Been jamming a lot lately and playing all of the instruments I can get my hands on.  It's been a bit of a lull since a lot of what I considered action.  It hardly seems worthwhile to put any kind of release date as there hasn't been sufficient interest in anything I've done to date to have any traction whatsoever.   There's been writing and I consider it good but I'm tempted to hold off on making any release of the music.  I have a studio session booked for June and that might just be the last one I do.  I'll probably record everything else using a home studio on the cheap and keeping it for myself.  I'll play the right gigs when I feel like it.  Thanks to those who listened and supported me and the music.  Continue to go out and support your local musicians if you like what they are doing!


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cruising Altitude

Hello Y'all.  It's been some time since I've been recording, playing live and promoting the material and doing the first 2 albums.  It has been nothing less that 2 dreams come true. I've even done interviews, gotten great online radio exposure and enjoy a following of a small yet growing loyal listener base.  As with all things in life, certainly in music, changes happen and adjustments are made.  For a few minutes it feels weird to navigate the strange waters of uncertainty but if you have your goal in mind and not so much the moving parts, it really helps to hold one's ground I feel.  Finding the right perspective and having confidence kicks in and keeps you moving forward if you can find it. 
At this point I've been writing a lot and have really understood what I have made up to this point and pinpointed what makes the sound THE SOUND that is Leibowitz music.  I've kind of found the common thread that trails through all of it from the first songs I've ever written until now and the music I am making.  It will help me further define the sound on upcoming recordings and the sound will mutate but getting to this point of understanding my own musical direction is harder than one would think.  All I can tell you is that its effect will leave a listener with a feeling that it's not too derivative of anything that they really have heard, yet somehow sickeningly familiar.  It's because I want to recreate the feeling and effect that the music I love and that runs through my mind and cast it out.  It really has connected and I look foward to every new listener getting into this stuff and enjoying it.  It's not to be taken too seriously.  It really is only music and all of it fictional although I do try to be honest and truthful in my reporting.  Anyway, really was great to have The Beginning Of The Endless Search For Oblivion premiered on Tony Romero's show on Aiiradio.net on May 5h and being interviewed for that as well.  It seems many folks enjoyed it and I'll be back on the air with Tony sometime in the future with any luck!  This time around I will be premiering material with Ronald Marquiss, another amazing DJ and champion for independent artists.  There is an inside circle of folks who are like the Leibowitz musical family and I love hatching my schemes and rapping with these folks.  Onward and upward to Saturn Sound Studios (dig the alliteration for recording June 20 and 21st.  Times are good and I hope they are with you as well. 



Artist Links:


Friday, May 18, 2012

You Might As Well Try

And make a song that everyone will love for the sole purpose of going viral....and then go on creating as you please.  I was at a meeting yesterday with an engineer who runs one of the better studios down here and he had asked me the day earlier to bring by the albums I had done.  So when I made it there early and got to take a walk around I was happy to see that the space and gear was situated as I like and I rapped with the friendly studio manager for a bit.  These meetings in no way make me nervous.  I'm not here to impress anyone, just to see if it is suitable for me to start working here and test the waters.  In some regard, all I really need to do is be grateful that they let me come check out the place and talk and act accordingly.  So the engineer sat down at the mixing console and turned on the lights.  We started in on the particulars of music right away and he popped in Guitar For Money for 1 track.  Popped in "Oblivion" and let it just run on the house speakers.  He was impressed and I was not surprised about that but he was holding the CD and just smiling and saying that Martin Kornick's cover reminded him of "Children of Men" and that it was a relief that people were still making rock albums like this and mentioned that the sound was "hip".  He mentioned Norah Jones and a few other names and compared some aspects of their most recent work.  Now the music I'm making in no way sounds like some of the names I heard, to my ears anyway...but what made me happy was that the drumming on the 2nd album had really gotten his ears perked up enough to really consider what we could do with the drums this round with the resources available.  We also spoke of exposure and what that's been like and we all know the deal.  The landscape has eroded so much that bands with music worth listening to, and taste does vary, will undoubtedly go overlooked without constant thought, effort and persistence with regards to exposure.  Similar aspects and effects apply and trickle down to music studios, so the people who love the process of making music are very much all in the same pit of understanding the current state of music in terms of dollars and cents and common sense.  Anyway, we spoke of local radio stations and events we could do with audiences and things that were very constructive and promising.  I'm all about partnerships and grass roots beginnings and I'm not out to be famous, but even getting local gigs and fans takes a lot of exposure these days as venues will not risk a poor turnout in this economy and want to know there will be people there.  You can't blame them either.  It is a joy and honor just to know what I'm doing is heading in the right direction at this stage. Back to the beat.



Thursday, April 19, 2012

Radio Shows, Reviews, Features and What's Next

Good day y'all.  It's been exactly a month since my last blog post and the site has all these new doodads and an unnervingly white background I am tying against.  Might be time to grab my shades!  Hey, the new album, The Beginning Of The Endless Search of Oblivion is getting a lot of play on Progressive Rock radio with Ronald Maquis over at AOLMP, Tony Romero at AiirRadio and Mario over at Mexicali Prog really holding this one up as well as all of the people who have already said such nice things.  I try not to pay too much attention to praise as I don't want it to get in the way of the work or my friendship with people on an individual level.  That being said, it is appreciated beyond words.  People like me who are doing things like I am are not doing it to get rich.  We aren't doing it to get seen really.  It's about getting heard and sharing.  I write all of this music to my taste and in doing so I am enjoying the process of watching who else likes it too, not who purchases it or anything.  Money is hard to come by these days so it's a huge deal to me just to have people grooving to it. Plus, albums and songs last forever and so do the memories of making them which has been so much fun. So far there have been a number of reviews for Guitar For Money which have been really positive. (See below)  With this kind of attention and attitude about the music and my own personal desire, with all team members intact I've decided to full on do a 3rd Leibowitz album, even sooner than planned.  The release date depends on scheduling as every last member involved in our productions is in constant demand and can be at any number of geographic locations at any given time, but I'd say June or July 2013.  First things first.  We're having a party on May 5th Cinco de Mayo and you are invited.

What:  Tony Romero and I on AiirRadio--Interview and Full Album Premiere of "The Beginning Of The Endless Search For Oblivion"
When: Saturday May 5th, 2012  2PM EST---11AM PST---7 PM UK
Where: www.aiiRadio.net

Here is a preface for the album that will appear in the 6 panel digipaks now being made:

Reviews for Guitar For Money and Features From The Rocktologist (April 2012):

Reviews for The Beginning Of The Endless Search For Oblivion: ??? ;0)

Desert Island Discs

Interview with Tony Livadas and I

Artist Info Links:


Thanks for tuning in and I hope you enjoy the ride.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Oblivion And The State Of The Rock Album

We did it.  We made a full length "story album" that clocks in at 57 minutes or so.  The story is called The Beginning Of The Endless Search For Oblivion and I'm really proud of it. It was NOT easy to make.  I think part of the pressure was that it had a format and structure throughout that hour long period that needed fierce attention or run the risk of being a weak link in a nice looking chain.  Now in the making of this album, or maybe even before, it dawned on me how dead the album format itself seems and how individual works seem much more practical for many reasons in the current day.  This is convenient as the next record I was planning was consisting of a bunch of songs anyway.  Now, instead of pressuring myself, locked into the need to put 12+ songs together, I can just release all sorts of different things periodically as they get finished. I never run out of ideas and at this point couldn't imagine stopping recording and creating...There is now enough material in the bucket to play a 2 hour + rock show of all original music.  By the time a few new songs are recorded, some songs would have to be dropped in order to make it in time.  Anyway, there's been no urgency in booking the band so I'm still sorting out who will play what in a live scenario and will continue to rehearse with whoever's around....on Wednesday nights.  Have been offered some cool playing opportunities where I can do original music only, which is my deal.  More on that to come.  It will be original Carribean flavored music played on classical guitar. Another project I have planned includes mainly drumming and singing.  By the way, don't get it twisted, there will be more albums that I will do, but while the state of music consumption is in such flux, best to stay loose, certainly as a drummer!  Leibowitz will be featured in next month's Rocktologist with an interview Tony and I did last week and some other stuff.  Aside from that, the record will be played in its entirety, by a soon to be named DJ at a soon to be announced time. The album will be available in a week or so and will be available at www.leibowitz.bandcamp.com .  You can check out Guitar For Money, our 1st LP while you're there. For even more news and clips, or to just become a supporter by being a "fan" you can visit www.reverbnation.com/leibowitzmusic .  Thank you so much for your support and friendship.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gigs, Albums, Changes.

It's been a crazy week and a new one is starting with me driving down to Miami to play a few songs at the Van Dyke Cafe.  That's if someone cancels.  It's a long drive to make to see if I'm going to play or not but music itself is a journey.  Even if I don't play tonight, I look forward to meeting those who are as I find musicians and performers entertaining...well most!  Regardless of cancellation, I will be playing an hour or so long show at the Capris Lounge in Boynton Beach, Fl...my hometown, on Thursday February 2nd! I get to play all of my own tunes and I'm gearing up for that, perhaps doing a web concert last minute on Tuesday or Wednesday or both.  This has been a long time coming with many false hopes and sinking efforts but I'm not a quitter and all I really want to do is play for people and for it to sound great.  The Beginning of The Endless Search For Oblivion will be completed in the next few months as Tony's other band is really taking off and his time is limited. I'm lucky to have been able to work with him this long and get this thing done...actually both this and Guitar For Money. Tony has been solid in the studio in both the capacity of engineer and bass and keyboard playing.  I'm not sure even he knew how fast his band would take off and to what heights and I'm really happy for him and time permitting, he'll be on recordings and stuff.  For now, it is impossible to have him in the live act as his committments to many are growing.  I'm really excited for him as he's such a great guy and has shared this journey with me up to this point.  If I thought we were writing wacky tunes, Tony didn't say so!  Anyway, us South Florida musicians need to stick together and when you meet selfless, artistic and talented people....you need to take note and respect their goals as well.  We all want our projects to get done the way we want, when we want, but today's musical climate can be barren so opportunities must be seizes and chances must be taken.   With that, I pick up my abbreviated setlist and get practicing and see if I can pound out some nice notes tonight.  As my schedule is getting sorted with solo acoustic shows, I will be slowly putting a live band together with the best local players I can find to play the music.  There will be more and more exposure as people are just starting to really grasp what I'm trying to do and when there are gigs, there is promotion done, beyond the word of mouth and my own interweb efforts.  I'm excited to see how I do with all this but I can't imagine backing down to any of it after 18 years or so of trying to make a spark!  Show me the way to the stage!

Best As Always,


Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy 2012, Now Where's Oblivion?

I don't feel like a rock star anymore...not like I ever was, but it felt that way in 2011 at some times.  We finished and released Guitar For Money, which has been an experience.  I have a stack of albums to send out this week as I type this.  It has been entirely a web and word of mouth thing.  As far as results, I've done zilch on Bandcamp thus far but just by understanding a bit more of how sites like that and ReverbNation, SoundCloud, etc. work none of the effort has been in vain.  It's simply a starting point or a mile marker if you're in the Florida Keys!  There has been TONS of encouragement by other artists that I admire as well as from my friends, who can be the toughest critics of all---which I do appreciate.  The music is out there and not for everyone but it takes guts to say that to me face to face but people do have their favorites.  I think until I completely satisfy my musical urges I'll continue.  There are new instruments I am considering really digging into. I've been practicing like crazy as Tony and I have taken a holiday intermission and then some before tying a lasso around the rest of the new album.  I'm extremely excited about it and can't wait until it is done to our satisfaction.  Tony will be in Los Angeles for the next month focused on his band Brass Knuckles, who are really doing great. He's one of the most natural musicians I've ever been around so I'm lucky he's in my band in the first place and has become a great pal as well. As for the concept of The Beginning of the Endless Search For Oblivion, this is the most structured and thought out work I have ever produced.  We even have "guest stars" on it from another country on 1 track so far.  Great ones at that! During this time now, I've been practicing electric guitar and its relationship within my rig, syncing up with numerous effects and the like.  I'm preparing to play live when I get the right gig so this is quite important but just as important for studio time in terms of practicality.  It sure helps to become a good techinician and electrician if you play any instrument....It's also been month after month of getting my drumming up to snuff as well which has me so sore and hopefully a better player!!! I've been exercising and strengthening my voice too so when we do final versions I'm handing it out like I should.  If this was a football game it's the 3rd quarter with 1:56 on the clock and I don't plan on this going into overtime since the story is set, as is the music.  The 4th quarter looms and since I write the script, keep the beat and so forth, I've saved the most exiting and radical stuff for last.  Hey, I put up stuff on ReverbNation but those are teasers....I have lots of extras in the vaults too.  Oh, we need reviews for Guitar For Money as we only had one done..a great one at that.  We even were featured on the Rocktologist in August so we know people are listening and some even love it.  Please blog up if you have the slightest interest in doing so, no matter how negative your comments are. Haven't been blasted yet and it would make me laugh and I'd like to get the 1st bad one out of the way as well! Well anyway, enough about me, I wish you and yours an amazing 2012...a safe, healthy and prosperous one at that.


\m/ \m/
