Thursday, April 19, 2012

Radio Shows, Reviews, Features and What's Next

Good day y'all.  It's been exactly a month since my last blog post and the site has all these new doodads and an unnervingly white background I am tying against.  Might be time to grab my shades!  Hey, the new album, The Beginning Of The Endless Search of Oblivion is getting a lot of play on Progressive Rock radio with Ronald Maquis over at AOLMP, Tony Romero at AiirRadio and Mario over at Mexicali Prog really holding this one up as well as all of the people who have already said such nice things.  I try not to pay too much attention to praise as I don't want it to get in the way of the work or my friendship with people on an individual level.  That being said, it is appreciated beyond words.  People like me who are doing things like I am are not doing it to get rich.  We aren't doing it to get seen really.  It's about getting heard and sharing.  I write all of this music to my taste and in doing so I am enjoying the process of watching who else likes it too, not who purchases it or anything.  Money is hard to come by these days so it's a huge deal to me just to have people grooving to it. Plus, albums and songs last forever and so do the memories of making them which has been so much fun. So far there have been a number of reviews for Guitar For Money which have been really positive. (See below)  With this kind of attention and attitude about the music and my own personal desire, with all team members intact I've decided to full on do a 3rd Leibowitz album, even sooner than planned.  The release date depends on scheduling as every last member involved in our productions is in constant demand and can be at any number of geographic locations at any given time, but I'd say June or July 2013.  First things first.  We're having a party on May 5th Cinco de Mayo and you are invited.

What:  Tony Romero and I on AiirRadio--Interview and Full Album Premiere of "The Beginning Of The Endless Search For Oblivion"
When: Saturday May 5th, 2012  2PM EST---11AM PST---7 PM UK

Here is a preface for the album that will appear in the 6 panel digipaks now being made:

Reviews for Guitar For Money and Features From The Rocktologist (April 2012):

Reviews for The Beginning Of The Endless Search For Oblivion: ??? ;0)

Desert Island Discs

Interview with Tony Livadas and I

Artist Info Links:


Thanks for tuning in and I hope you enjoy the ride.
