Sunday, January 11, 2015

Post Birduction

I give lots of credit to anyone that's a songwriter or composer, especially those who have kept at it long enough to see their work evolve. Most people who write with ambition are not crazy about the idea of being typecast as a writer of this or that. The artist is still the same person with a desire to see what is next as much as the people that will appreciate the work. In making 3 albums in 5 years, really not committing to a style, I've got so many things written...incomplete songs...lyrics without sound. It's more fun to cherry pick at these for lyrics on newly realized material, than to force a melody onto them. The fridge is never empty. It's funny though. Before making any kind of collection of songs, I had a melody bank full of ideas that I wanted to record. These things turned up mainly on Guitar For Money, the first LP. Once those ideas were set and planted to a song, room opened up in my brain where those thoughts were occupied. I wanted to create music that I had never thought about, so I did a complete left turn and did that with the 2nd release, The Beginning Of The Endless Search For Oblivion. During the course of making a "record", the songs run through my head non stop until they are finished. It's beyond annoying. What once was magic in a bottle to create and listen to, is now grinding the hell out of my ears, by the time of final edits and mixes. When I eventually got around to doing this 3rd LP, The Cry Of A Bird, I only had rough sketches of what I wanted the songs to sound like...if I had any sketch at all.  There were 3 songs for this one that had been played live for the past couple of years that I produced and the rest were mainly made as being "the product of my environment". Now that people have access to this music and it is getting a good buzz, it makes me feel confident in knowing whatever musical project I put together, will be rewarding. It will probably still sound like an old hippy making 60s or 70s music, like the rest of it, but hell, ya never know :o)

Digital download
Leibowitz-The Cry Of A Bird

As usual, I'm looking for reviewers and DJs that are interested in this music to let me know. Now back to practicing the new songs for live performance and dreaming up my next creation. Thanks to all of the great DJs who have been playing my music since the beginning and continue to play it. As a result, people have been warming up to it and buying the releases. To the people who are paying for it, I am eternally grateful and hope that you enjoy it.


Josh Leibowitz

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