Back at it and will be recording at this time in 8 hours. We have 4 of them today. By now I know how fast 4 hours goes in the studio and I compare the feeling of when I'm done to when I was a kid and had to leave the video game arcade! It's never been easier to press record than now and you don't need to have a crazy studio to get music done either. Use good mics, cables, computers/recorders, headphones, instruments and do your best and don't expect to be blown away with the results. It helps to work with someone who is a killer engineer and can play some instruments that you don't want to! I started writing this album when I got sick with a severe case of shingles around my right lung...kind of during the worst part, back in December 2010. This was before I had even finished the 1st album, Guitar For Money, which would eventually come out this past June. The original story behind this upcoming LP was inspired but kind of depressing! As I got better I changed the story to meet how I was feeling as I improved and now it has taken on a comic book type, action-adventure which is exploratory, uncertain and fun yet holds some of the pain and frustration I was dealing with at that time. I've really enjoyed the road back and with every new song I do I enjoy writing them more and more. It is a fun craft to try and improve at. For longer than you might think, I used to feel like I had to work on one song at a time. I must admit over the years, I've written a ton of lousy songs and probably have done twice as many bad recordings. These days I usually put unfinished songs aside for a few weeks or months and consider the changes I'd like to make as I work on new ones at the same time. I get it right off the bat once in awhile and sometimes extra production is unnecessary if I get the right vibe and bang out the whole track in one session and it goes right to mastering and the finished record. That happened with The Here and Now off of G4$...Tempting to overproduce but when you get what you want with the energy you have that session, it's very rewarding and cost effective...rare for me I have to say but becoming more common as I get more experience. I've been practicing the guitar a lot and also bought the biggest pair of drumsticks I could find. They are really bizarre looking but I can't wait to try em out. I'll get some cardio work in this morning as it helps me sing better...Breathing is one of the most important aspects of living and playing but one of the things I still have to remind myself to do. I hope y'all breathe easy this weekend and thanks for tuning in.
Josh Leibowitz
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