Saturday, August 18, 2012

Oblivion Revisited..Or Visited?

Howdy Folks!

Well I'm in a good mood.  With so much going on in the new music department, due to being underway on my 3rd album in a new and fully operational studio all my own, I almost forgot that the 6 panel digipacks and posters are on their way over here and hit my doorstep come with all that I shall now be presenting the official roll out of all things related to the release of....................................................................................................................................................................................

 *If you want one, please email and place your order, including your shipping address.  Posters $10+shipping.  CD $12+shipping.  Combo $20+ shipping (DO IT!)*

I have to tell you, it was a fun album to make and the story was a trip to come up with.  It really was an EXTREMELY gross take on people and events in reality, twisted all around into a crazy nautical odyssey.  The music stuck obnoxiously close to the intended storyline as well as the artwork and making the former happen effectively was a big time challenge!

Naturally, a big part of why this album was fun was that I got to work with engineer, bassist, saxophonist, keyboard player Tony Livadas again as well as with Martin Kornick doing the visuals as was the case with Guitar For Money.  All of us have risen a bit since the last project in such a short amount of time.  It is apparent in how busy we are! By working with talented individuals on this level it really brought out the best in me and I was locked on on what I felt was a solid idea.  Speaking of talented people, I also had the amazing good fortune of meeting and recording with my friends Kev Feazey and Matt Stevens in London.  Matt had made that arrangement and I came to town and we came up with the Fist.  Kev and I had been working at a breakneck pace for hours and we weren't sure if Matt would be able to make it, but he did and played some incredibly clever parts.   What these guys probably didn't know is that I had 5 backup plans should any number of situations occur....a surprise guest, extra time, any no show, etc....I was exhausted, stressed and running on fumes that week by the time we did the session but it came out just right I'd say and it is something I'll never forget.

With such a developed story that envelops The Beginning Of The Endless Search For Oblivion, I plan to not wait to be interviewed to let in on bits and pieces and will be writing segments about the characters, the plot line and some of the inspiration behind the story..the real faces and places in Florida....I'll post pictures and videos as well. People who like this will want to dig their teeth into it and I say by all means...

I think at some point down the line I'll revisit these characters.  It would be fun and let more aspects of the "personalities" show.  For now, I'm working on less conceptual but equally demanding music that will be different, as what would be the point of doing it all the same?


Monday, August 6, 2012

Why Should Artists Make Albums?

.....When hardly anyone but the most loyal and traditional music lovers are still buying them.  Have people at large lost the interest in hearing a bunch of songs in one sitting from an artist in favor of the odd tune every now and then released digitally, Youtubed, Spotified, Pandorad, etc?

Change is one of those things that happens in funny ways and over the past 2+ decades, we've seen a lot of it which I feel we are still coming to grips with.  At least I am!  I was the kind of guy growing up who spent my whole bank account buying albums in the store if I was lucky enough to find them.  It was exciting too as some of the more rare rock albums were hard to find.  I remember finding the ELP double live album Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends (which I am listening to now) as an import after trying to rack it down for months in 1992 or so.  I think I paid $25 in 1992 money for it and I was glad I did!!

To someone growing up today this kind of thing is probably the same way I looked at how old fashioned it looked in those movies when people made a phone call and it had to be switched over from some operator at a switchboard.  What a hassle!

To put things in some proper perspective, we are in a terrible recession and many are out of work or struggling to make ends meet. To add to that, think about how expensive broadband, cable and the cost of living is and then take a look at how many sold out concerts you see or attend....or have seen poorly attended or cancelled even.  It is important for people to have broadband in these times as it makes communication easier and more enjoyable so I can see why families place huge emphasis on that.

Now with digital downloads, legal and illegal, most have given up on paying for or even obtaining music, choosing to stream it instead through a variety of services and getting a CD is almost like a collector's edition...and you know what?  That's OK and if it's not, we'd all better get hip to it, because it's reality.  People will buy collector's editions at your shows or even will contact you in person or buy it through an outlet or a number of sites.

So to answer my question, the reason artists should make albums is for themselves and for the FANS and people who want the collector's edition.  They are the most loyal of your listeners and deserve it. They will be the ones at your shows that are pissed off that you don't have it for sale so you better love them for that.

You also should not shut out the 'loaders. Who's to say that just because their methods of buying or obtaining music is not the way you'd like them to buy it, that they are cheating you or making you fail? You better believe that these folks will be checking your show out or at least thinking about hopping the gate, if you've got the goods.



Click here to listen to (in full for free) or buy my albums!

Send me an email!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Narrow Escape-A New Album Coming For 2013


I hope all of you are in high spirits and enjoying the Olympics or at least some free time to spend at your leisure.  When I have that kind of time, I usually end up not using it leisurely.  That was the case this past July with most of my "free" time being spent building a monster.

With the old studio I recorded at relocating most likely at the end of the year and Tony on tour as much as he is, I'll be moving forward with my 3rd release playing all instruments, producing as usual, and mixing and editing it as well at my own facility.

Luckily, Tony was nice enough to spot check my gear and we went through all of it to make sure I'd be set and my recording room was suitable enough.  It's good to have friends.  Now I am set to make music as much as I please.

As of now, I don't have a band and no one is beating down the doors for me to play their festival or venue solo acoustic.  This is 100% fine.  When I was trying to get booked and playing places I found it to be fun to play but dealing with the promoters or club owners was a pain.  Spending the time to get booked is a hassle and I'm not a "career musician".

I'm sure they are dealing with the economy in their own way and when the right venues and contacts are hip to the sound, I'll play wherever, within reason.  Meanwhile, I've been coming up with some ideas to put on free concerts.  I'm an explorer and I've found a few secret outlets here and there that I could plug into.

So with that, I tune up the acoustic guitar this Sunday morning and adventure into the land of absurdity once again to track down a tune or 2.

Take good care and thanks for listening!!


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